



2018 年 1 月,金刻羽教授受邀参加达沃斯论坛,与美国财政部长姆努钦(Steve Mnuchin)就美元问题进行了辩论,并且与 IMF 总裁拉加德(Christine Lagarde)就中国的资本项目开放展开了讨论。她曾与美国中央情报局前局长大卫・彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus)、前美国财政部长及许多国家的首相同台交流。在重大的国际会议上,她被视为中国独特的声音。

金刻羽教授在哈佛大学的博士论文提出了一个有力的解释,为什么世界范围的资本会从发展中国家向发达国家流动,即著名的 “Lucas puzzle”。她还研究了中国的信贷市场,独生子女政策对经济的影响以及人口变化对经济的影响等。

金刻羽教授以优异的成绩毕业于哈佛大学,并在哈佛大学攻读博士学位期间获得了最佳研究生奖。2014 年,她被世界经济论坛评为全球青年领袖。


Dr. Keyu Jin is an associate professor of Economics at the London school of Economics,where she researches on topics of globalization and the Chinese economy. She is from Beijing, China, and holds a B.A., M.A., and PhD from Harvard University. Multiple academic works on international macroeconomic and China have been published in the top journal in Economics, such as the American Economic Review. She is a non-executive director to Richemont Group, the second largest luxury conglomerate, and is also an advisor to the China Banking Regulatory Commission for Fintech in China. Recently, she has focused on bridging Western capital and a new breed of fast-growing Chinese technology companies. She contributes op-ed pieces to the Financial Times, and has a column in the Project Syndicate as well as Caixin, the main economics and finance magazine in China. In the past, she has advised and consulted for the World Bank, the IMF, and the New York Fed. She has also had prior experience in Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan among other financial institutions. She was named Young global leader by the World Economic Forum in 2014.

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